Всех приветствую!
Давно собиралась принять участие в этом совместном проекте Совместный проект "... about Mixed Media". 3-й этап. Обязательные элементы: спреи и жидкие краски.
All welcome!
Long wanted to participate in this joint project a Joint project "... about Mixed Media". The 3rd stage. Required items: sprays and liquid paint.
All welcome!
Long wanted to participate in this joint project a Joint project "... about Mixed Media". The 3rd stage. Required items: sprays and liquid paint.
А тут еще пришла в голову идея миксмедийного холста в подарок моей подруге, коллеге и дизайнеру Кристине. Ее жизнь - это сплошное приключение. И я решила показать ее в знакомом всем персонаже "Алисе в стране чудес", но в современной интерпритации. В этом мне помогли случайно найденые иллюстрации очень интерессной художницы Black Fury. Которые и легли в основу сюжета. А сюжета в этой работе очень много и они переходящие.
And then there came the idea mixmedia canvas as a gift to my friend, colleague and designer Christine. Her life is a continuous adventure. And I decided to show her a familiar character in "Alice in Wonderland", but in a modern interpretation. This helped me accidentally found the illustrations very interesting artist Black Fury. Which formed the basis of the plot. And the plot in this work very much and they are passing.
And then there came the idea mixmedia canvas as a gift to my friend, colleague and designer Christine. Her life is a continuous adventure. And I decided to show her a familiar character in "Alice in Wonderland", but in a modern interpretation. This helped me accidentally found the illustrations very interesting artist Black Fury. Which formed the basis of the plot. And the plot in this work very much and they are passing.